Immobilien News

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Electricity comparison: Saving electricity, time & money – The biggest energy consumers in the household

Saving electricity is becoming increasingly important. Energy consumption in particular is responsible for high costs. If prices continue to rise, it is worth taking a closer look at the large amount of energy consumed. Of course, you can save a lot of money by changing your electricity provider, but you can also do a lot […]

Sending documents to the new landlord, the best delivery services

The person who shone during the apartment inspection or who has to send important documents for the house purchase or for the house sale needs reliable delivery services. After all, the sale or rental is so close to completion that there should be no more mistakes. It is worth comparing the various parcel delivery services […]

How to save money when shopping

Shopping is one of people’s most important consumer goods. It is no longer just a matter of necessary purchases such as food or clothing, but nowadays you can also go shopping to pass the time. The tips on how and where you can save money when shopping are listed below. Buy and sell used books […]

Save money in everyday life: 14 tips on investing money

Nowadays many things become more and more expensive. For this reason, it is important to know how to really save money and where it is really worth it. You don’t always have to create a certain plan to save money. Even small changes in everyday life such as using other light bulbs, using trainee services […]

Subscription: How to save money correctly

A subscription is a purchase of certain services agreed for a longer period of time and thereby reduced in price. This includes not only memberships in the gym or the purchase of newspapers, but also the purchase of admission tickets, TV connections or music services. The purpose of subscriptions is to give you the opportunity […]

Tips for shopping: save at the supermarket + cheap offers

Food is something you always need. Supermarkets also know this and take advantage of the fact that you don’t always think about how and what to buy. But that’s why we’ve put together a few tips to help you save a lot of money next time you buy groceries. Shopping on stock – Where it’s […]

Save money: Cheap travel by car, taxi and bicycle

Those who want to save money on transport do not have to use public transport directly. Of course these are a cheaper alternative to the car, but we have compiled a few tips below on how you can save money not only by doing without the car, but also with the car itself. Use public […]

Save on travel: Hotels, flight bookings and food – holiday tips

It’s always a nice thing to travel. Because it is rather the rarer case that one travels monthly, the vacation is often a state of emergency. And although or just because it is an exception, one often spends a lot of money on many, often unnecessary, things, especially on holiday. For this reason, we have […]

Haus verkaufen in Heppenheim (Bergstraße) & Umgebung

Bevor man jetzt über den Verkauf seines Hauses nachdenkt, sollte man natürlich auch noch die nahe Zukunft bedenken und die Planung und Organisation Aufgabe für Aufgabe starten. Nehmen Sie sich ausreichend Zeit für Ihre Entscheidung, für die aller meisten ist das Eigenheim nicht nur eine sichere Kapitalanlage für das Alter oder ein Dach über den […]

Hausverkauf von A-Z: Die 8+ wichtigsten Tipps für Butzbach

Ob Scheidung, Erbe oder berufliche Gründe, sollten Sie über den Hausverkauf spekulieren, dann sollten Sie die Planung in Ruhe angehen und parallel auch über die langfristige Lebensplanung, für Ihre Familie und sich selbst, nachdenken. Für die meisten in Butzbach ist ein Haus mehr als nur ein langfristige Kapitalanlage für die Zukunft, das eigene Haus ist […]